リード分子探索研究室 Group 1 (2011/4 ~)
吉見 立也 (開発費研究員): Tatsuya Yoshimi, PhD.
山岸 まゆみ (研究補助員): Mayumi Yamagishi, BSc.
山岸 (右写真2段目)は、2013年4月より本研究室にて実験補助を行っています。農学部出身で、大手外資系製薬企業にて4年間の勤務実績があります。
右の写真は、昨年の紅葉、イギリスのウシ、雪のMR-2、Oxburgh Hall (英)、伊賀上野城です。旧車、ヴァイオリン、お城、カメラなどを趣味としています。

〒474-8511 愛知県大府市森岡町7丁目430番地
認知症先進医療開発センター リード分子探索研究室
Lu M, Williamson NR, Boschetti C, Ellis T, ○Yoshimi
T, Tunnacliffe A.: Expression-level dependent perturbation of cell
proteostasis and nuclear morphology by aggregation-prone polyglutamine
proteins. J Biol Chem, in press. |
Wright O, Zhang L, Liu Y, ○Yoshimi T, Zheng Y, Tunnacliffe A. Critique of the use of fluorescence-based reporters in Escherichia coli as a screening tool for the identification of peptide inhibitors of Aβ42 aggregation. J Pept Sci. 19:74-83, 2013. |
Wright O*, ○Yoshimi T*, Tunnacliffe A (*Equally contributed). Recombinant production of cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptides in Escherichia coli using an inducible autocleaving enzyme tag. N Biotechnol,29:352-358, 2012. |
Goto Y, Kajiwara M, Yanagisawa Y, Hirose H, ○Yoshimi
T, Umemura M, Nakano H, Takahashi S, Shida Y, Iguchi T, Takahashi Y,
Miura T. Detection of vertebrate-type steroid hormones and their
converting activities in the neogastropod Thais clavigera (Küster,
1858). J. Mollus. Stud. 78(2): 197-204 first published online
February 20, 2012. |
○Yoshimi T, Hashimoto F, Takahashi S, Takahashi Y: Suppression of embryonic lung branching morphogenesis by antisense oligonucleotides against HOM/C homeobox factors. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 46(8):664-72, 2010. |
○Yoshimi T, Odagiri K, Hiroshige Y, Yokobori S, Takahashi Y, Sugaya Y, Miura T. Induction profile of HSP70-cognate genes by environmental pollutants in Chironomidae. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 28(2):294-301, 2009. |
Manabe T, Takahashi Y, ○Yoshimi T, Miura T, Sugaya Y. Development of an acute toxicity test for first-instar larvae of a midge (Chironomus yoshimatsui) using a Teflen-sheet. Jpn. J. Environ. Toxicol. 10, 51-57. 2007. |
○Yoshimi T, Nakamura N, Shimada S,
Iguchi K, Hashimoto F, Mochitate K, Takahashi Y, Miura T.
Homeobox B3, FoxA1, and FoxA2 interactions in epithelial lung cell
differentiation of the multipotent M3E3/C3 cell line. Eur. J.
Cell Biol. 2005, 84: 555-566. |
[海外発表] |
Mikawa R, Okuno A, ○Yoshimi T, Okada K, Takayanagi A, Takikawa
O. Implication of Brain Microvessel Endothelial Cell-derived
Beta-Amyloid Peptide in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Associated with
Alzheimer's Disease. Alzheimer's Association International Conference
(AAIC) 2013, July 14, Boston, USA. |
Okuno A, ○Yoshimi T, Okada K, Mikawa R, Takayanagi A, Takikawa
O. Pathogenic role of IDO in Alzheimer’s disease : Astrocytes but not
neurons are responsible for the increase of amyloid β peptide induced
by neurotoxin quinolinic acid. 第13回国際トリプトファン研究会, November 7, 2012,
Sydney, Australia. |
Okuno A, Zhang G, ○Yoshimi T, Mikawa R, Takikawa O. Aβ Production from Reactive Astrocytes Induced by Endogenous Neurotoxin Quinolinic Acid: A New Aspect of Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s disease Association International Conference (AAIC) 2012, July 18, 2012, Vancouver, Canada. |
[特許出願] |
1. 出願番号:特願2014-212627 発明の名称:微小生体組織片の作製装置、作製方法、及び化合物のスクリーニング方法 出願日:平成26年10月17日 発明者:滝川修、吉見立也、田中耕一、川畑慎一郎 |
2.出願番号:特願2013-112444 発明の名称:化学・物理現象検出方法及びその装置 出願日:平成25年5月29日 発明者:滝川修、奥野海良人、吉見立也、澤田和明、奥村弘一 |